BCST ~ comfort and ease in times of transition

BCST ~ comfort and ease in times of transition

BCST ~ comfort and ease in times of transition

As we face transitions in life, or through stages of aging, illness and death, BCST can help us rest in deeper states of calm and peace. 

To be held in the wide field of the long tide or dynamic stillness for periods of time infuses in us a palpable confidence in the process of change and ego dissolution. We can relax the psyche and body as attachments to life and form as we know it, unwind and dissolve into the vastness and luminosity of being. It is here we have the opportunity to meet and merge with our oceanic, formless nature. 

Death is the ultimate transition into the unknown. It can be disorienting and anxiety provoking. To enter transitional states in life and as we move toward death with a settled nervous system is an invaluable gift.

“Be still and know that I am God”: Psalm 46:10


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