I’ve been facilitating healing and spiritual development in my clients in private practice since 2004. My primary modality is Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy (BCST). I am registered with the BCST association of North America (BCTA/NA), having completed an extensive three-year foundation training at Star Institute. I have also taken many adjunct trainings, a few of which are included here: working with babies, temporomandibular dis-function (TMJ issues), working with traumatic brain injuries and headaches, visceral manipulation, and intra-oral work.
After a long history of practicing massage therapy and bodywork, I have streamlined my practice to BCST. I find that BCST addresses more levels of our multifaceted human selves. Rather than treating issues mechanically, which may well serve to lessen discomfort, I have found that if the inertia or imprint remains present within the nervous system, the symptomolgy will likely recur. BCST unwinds those fundamental patterns of inertia that have their roots in the deep nervous system. For lasting change and overall wellness, working directly with the cranial sacral system— the nervous system— is far more effective. When needed, other modalities —massage, lymphatic drainage, meditation instruction, and various somatic and visualization practices— are added to our session work.
I am a certified massage therapist (CMT) through the Diamond Light School of massage and healing arts. My background is in fine art painting (amritraiart.space), yoga and spiritual development. I have been mentored privately by many skillful healers and practitioners throughout the years. Prior to doing the foundation training at Star Institute, I did a year long mentorship study with Jim Gilkeson in Energy active cranial sacral therapy and Energy Medicine.
My root spiritual teacher since 1997 has been Ram Dass. I have done many personal retreats with him through the years and use my own experience within the map of his teachings to guide spiritual development in my clients.
I live what I teach: A soul-oriented life that prioritizes embodiment, health, contemplation, creativity and relatedness. I believe each of us has a unique individual blueprint— a soul map of our trajectory through life. That map lives in the very cells of our bodies and nervous systems. When pain, trauma, illness, injury or accidents are present in our life journey, as inevitably they are, BCST can access the deep intelligence of health in the system to re-organize and heal our bodies and psyches, and return our spirit to its origination in the Self. As Ramana Maharshi reminds us, The inherent nature of Self is bliss.
Listen—are you breathing just a little and calling it a Life? ~ Mary Oliver